Throughout the years, we have rescued countless animals from horrible situations following the death of their caregivers. Some were sent to the pound and they were waiting to be put down when we were informed and went to the municipal pounds to save their lives. Some were just thrown outside either by the landlord or by an unconsidered close family member eager to enter in possession of house, apartment or valuable of the deceased relative. We have witnessed the most disconcerting cases of animal cruelty by hand of the children and relatives of deceased who thought those same children and relatives would have taken over the care of their pets. At times, we succeeded to intervene and saving the animals’ lives, but other times we found out too late. That brings us to the last five adorable cats (all cats are adorable) we just rescued last week from a dying woman. All special needs animals,

Sherry, a 16 year old tiny female on thyroid medication needing regular vet visits and blood tests and Ebony, Booth, Rocky and Suzie, four feral cats ranging from 4 to 7 years of age. The deceased was well aware that those cats could not be adopted out and she was arranging to put them down. We could not let that happen: these poor animals deserve to live. We offered to house them in our residential sanctuary , that the deceased had visited and defined a “little piece of heaven” for the animals. She surrendered the five kitties to ORA just six days before passing away. She died comforted by the thought that her dear cats were going to be well cared for. The five are adjusting pretty well to the life in our Sanctuary. The 16 year old is extremely affectionate and she does not raise any issue even when it comes to take her thyroid medications twice a day. The ferals, intrigued by typical feline curiosity, start approaching us more and more and they have already made friends with some of the old residents (it is amazing how cats we call “feral” are in fact incredibly sociable towards other cats).
The only major issue is with the financial situation of the organization. We have not received any funds for the support of those cats and we hope that you will help us to care for them. A cat costs to ORA an average of $1.9 a day, that is $57 a month, plus vet bills. We are feeding the animals good quality food and even vet prescription diet food when necessary. All is included in the above budget. Prices for pet food, litter and other supplies continue to go up (without even talking about the vet bills) but we constantly work to reduce or at least contain price increases, purchasing in large stocks, changing suppliers etc.). We have a large number of animals in our care, 79 cats and 12 dogs as of today, with a large number of special need animals and over 70% of the cats over 12 years of age. It is a large operation with a very low budget. Yet, we do not feed the animals inferior, expired or donated food of questionable origins. In other terms, our animals are fed appropriate food not the one some manufacturers donate to rescue groups after signing a disclaimer of no responsibility for any health issue the food might cause. We believe in rescuing animals and keeping them healthy. They were in distressed circumstances in the first place for no fault of their own: they deserve to be treated and cared with respect and concern. We do not receive ANY government funding and are only funded through private donations, donations from people like yourself.
Could you please help us out to continue in our endeavour? Would you like to sponsor one of the last five rescued or in any case contribute with your monthly donation toward his or her cost for pet food and medical care? Anything from $15 a month on, will help. Or would you prefer to contribute with one time donation? On behalf of our new residents, Cherry, Ebony, Booth, Suzie and Rocky we thank you in advance for any help you will give.
For more information, please contact us at 416-726-5762, 416-726-8895 or
ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals