Apart from the fact that allergies are so often used as an excuse for the abandonment of companion animals to shelters, pounds and worse - allergies to pets do exist and can be a serious health concern. Like all allergic reactions, pet allergies are the result of an immune system reaction to a harmless substance; in this case, the reaction is to the proteins in pets’ dander (dead skin flakes). Often we find that those who complain of allergies the most are the ones seeking sympathy for “getting rid of the cat (or dog). On the other hand, many committed animal caregivers who would never consider separating from their companion animals, simply suffer in silence from pet allergies.
For the benefit of the latter category, here are some of our proven, and hopefully useful, suggestions:
1. Remove any carpeting in your home if possible since pet dander accumulates in broadloom and cannot always be properly removed simply by vacuuming. Dander can be removed from hardwood floors with just a wet rag and from ceramic or vinyl floors by washing them.
2. Use cheesecloth as a filter to cover air vents. This helps to keep pet dander and other allergens from circulating throughout the house. Clean air vents as needed throughout the year.
3. Sad as this can be, keep your sleeping area off limits to pets and do not allow your animals into the bedroom.
4. Use HEPA filter vacuum cleaners, and vacuum regularly. HEPA filters provide filtration of smaller particles than traditional vacuum filters, catching allergenic particles invisible to the naked eye such as dander, dust mites, and pollen.
5. Do your research and purchase a good air cleaner with a HEPA filter for the pet room(s) you frequent most often.
6. Have the pets groomed once a week outside of your home, and Furminate or brush them daily in a well-ventilated area such as the porch or on a balcony, and as far away as possible from your bedroom. Use a permanent lint brush to remove extra hair from pets, clothing or visible furniture surfaces in a pinch.
7. Invest in durable slipcovers or protective casings on your seating or sleeping furniture that you can easily change or put into the washing machine whenever you need to.
8. Wash your hands after interacting with your pets.
9. Take preventative steps to help manage your allergies. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to keep your immune systems strong. In addition to the many allopathic remedies available to reduce allergy symptoms, it might also be a good idea for you to consider consulting an homeopathic practitioner who may be able to cure your allergies altogether by strengthening your immune systems.
10. Healthy and happy pets create far less dander. Keep pet areas clean and stress free as possible, and make sure your pets eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to help keep their immune systems strong.
Management tips that may be suitable for some pet allergy sufferers may not necessarily work as well for others, but be sure to give ORA's Top 10 a try! Sometimes just living with a dog or cat, especially from an early age, is said to be helpful in managing other allergies over time.
ORA Animal Rescue
Pictured above: Claireby