Monday, February 6, 2012

ORA historic event: Nathan Winograd "Building a No-Kill Community"

Nathan Winograd, the spokesperson for the No-Kill Movement in the United States, has been invited by ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals to lecture in Toronto on April 14. ORA has rescued hundreds of animals in the 10 years we have been in operation, but every year thousands of cats and dogs are killed in Toronto pounds for no reason other than the unwillingness of pound directors and staff to implement life saving alternatives.

In Toronto pounds, the rate of animal killing is horrifically high. In 2010, Toronto Animal Services has killed over 58% of the cats they have received: 5,446 cats have been outrageously killed by Toronto Animal Services in 2010 alone (official data). Other pounds in the Greater Toronto Area kill an even higher rate of companion animals.

Pound directors and staff often invoke "lack of funds" as an excuse for the killing. In reality it is not money that is needed, but good will. They miss the compassion needed to implement alternative measure to killing, such as Trap Neuter and Return for feral cats; aggressive adoption on and off site; working with rescues and the community; promoting volunteerism; implementing low cost spay and neuter programs.

Nathan Winograd has proven that killing animals is unnecessary. He has transformed high-kills pounds in San Francisco, New York and even in rural parts of the States overnight into no-kill shelters.

That is why we have invited Nathan Winograd to Toronto. ORA cannot save the thousands of cats that end in city pounds as we operate without staff, we do not even have a building and no public funding. We operate on a shoe string budget. Any cat in our care cost us $1.40 a day against the preposterous $20 to $30 cost of keeping a cat in a city pounds (that is before killing them)!!! We are sickened by this continued slaughter of cats and dogs and we want to see it come to an end.

Directors of city pounds and Toronto city councillors will attend the Nathan Winograd event and we hope that it will contribute towards changing the fate of the many thousands of poor defenseless animals whose lives are violently ended for no reason, year after year. Nobody should be allowed to do that. We cannot allow it to continue.

Let's Stop the Killing. Join the No-Kill Revolution, and attend the Nathan Winograd event. We have the power to make things change by putting pressure on the decision makers, politicians and administrators. They are paid with taxpayer money, they are accountable to us. We must be informed in order to keep up the pressure to implement alternative solutions to the killing.

This is a very enlightening event. Nathan Winograd, a former criminal prosecutor and attorney, is a very knowledgeable and very sought after speaker lecturing all over the United States. We are very proud to have him in Toronto on April 14!

Nathan Winograd in Toronto for the first time.
"Building a No-Kill Community"

Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Hall, Room 714
Address: 222 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto ON M5V 2W6 Canada
Time: 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Registration starts at 2:15 pm

Book signing event will follow: Nathan's award winning books "Redemption" and "Irreconcilable Differences" will be for sale and he will autograph them at the event.
Redemption has become the Bible of the No-Kill Movement,

A leadership workshop will take place in the evening from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
Tickets are $35.00 for the seminar only, or $50.00 to attend both the seminar and the leadership workshop. Advance sale only. Limited seating. Call 416 726 5762 or 416 726 8895 to purchase your ticket(s) or buy online through Paypal at,
Many thanks on behalf of our feline and canine friends whose lives we are working to save,

Claudia Vecchio
Volunteer Chairperson
ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals
Tel: 416 726 5762

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