ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals (CRN# 85580-9448-RR0001) is a grassroots animal organization entirely run by volunteers. Our vision: A world where humans live in harmony with all animals. For more info and to give, please call 416-726-8895 or visit us at ora-animalsrescue.org
Friday, July 29, 2011
Why are we demonstrating in front of Hamilton's City Hall tomorrow?
Undoubtedly, pound managers have become complacent about the number of animals they kill each year. They often blame the public for being irresponsible pet owners, not sterilizing their pets and abandoning them as unwanted objects.
Though the public is certainly not free from blame, when we simply place the responsibility elsewhere, we fail to see the opportunities for improvements and change. Pointing the finger to other culprits may help a conscience cope with the killing of thousands of animals, but it precludes compassionate, necessary change.
Without denying the serious problem of irresponsible pet owners, animal pound decision makers can act to reject the status quo. They can refuse to continue the massive killing of animals and implement life-saving alternatives. Many pounds and shelters in North America have successfully embraced No-Kill options, and we, too, can adopt and implement these models. Innovative shelters are more than willing to share the recipes of their success with those who want to embrace positive change.
Perhaps the most prominent example here in Canada can be found in the accomplishments of Bill Bruce and his team at the Calgary Animal Control. Bill Bruce is the Director of Animal Services and Bylaws in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. When he took over a struggling animal shelter for a city with over one million residents, he developed and implemented a reform program which lead to phenomenal success in a short period of time. Calgary now has no limit by-laws and no breed-specific legislations, boasts high licensing compliance rates for both dogs and cats, returns the majority of lost pets to owners, and has substantially lower euthanasia rates than any other major pound in Canada.
Mr. Bruce will be in Toronto on September 30th, 2011, to lecture, providing proven examples and a wealth of information to animal caring politicians, pound managers, advocates and anyone willing to participate in actively helping to stop this complacent killing of animals. This ongoing practice is repugnant, ineffective, and beneath the morals and character of our community.
That is why we are demonstrating tomorrow in Hamilton: to convince authorities and local pound decision makers to stop the routine and unnecessary killing of thousands of animals each year, and to move toward the workable no-kill alternatives using Calgary’s model as a starting point of reference.
We are also rallying in memory of the many animals whose lives were cruelly ended at the HAC in the last decade, including innocent creatures heartlessly abandoned by their owners and wandering strays who never knew the comfort of a home or regular meals, lacking the care and protection of someone who might could have loved them.
There was little hope for these unfortunates, because the Hamilton Animal Control is not open to public adoptions. Nobody came for 30,000 to 50,000 cats and dogs routinely and unceremoniously disposed of in the last decade. We are rallying to ensure that this senseless cycle will become only a sad memory of the past, and that animals arriving at the HAC in future will be given a chance at life and happiness.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing," Edmund Burke
Please read our petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/ora-project-accountability-now/ to see the real, concrete alternatives to killing that we have proposed. We ask the decision makers to open their minds and their hearts. Our actions, petitions, and rallies are aimed at creating change for the benefit of animals and our community. Life is sacred, and there is no need to continue throwing the lives of so many animals away. Please join us tomorrow!
Claudia Vecchio
Volunteer Chairperson
ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals
ORA Event Invitation: Calgary’s Bill Bruce brings his shelter reform expertise to the Intercontinental Hotel at 220 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1T8, on Friday, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011, at 7:00 PM.
Tickets are $11.30 (tax incl)
Advance Sale Only - Call 416-726-5762
You Never Gave Me The Chance, by ORA's Renate Simon
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have brought joy to someone's life,
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have brought a smile to the lips of a child,
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have brought laughter to someone who is sad,
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have brought entertainment to many,
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have been the ears of someone who can't hear,
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have been the eyes of someone who can't see,
But you never gave me the chance.
I could have saved someone's life,
But you never gave me the chance.
I would have loved you all,
But you never gave me the chance!
A little memorial about all the animals killed in shelters. With the situation at HAC and other bad places, and all the desperate pleas to help save pets on death row, I was thinking of all the pets that were saved and then went on to repay the favour many times over. Many are mentioned in the Purina Hall of Fame saving their owners' life. Almost all pets in movies and shows are rescues from shelters, and quite a few service dogs also came from shelters. I thought that every animal killed represents an unfulfilled potential, a lost opportunity that will never return. So I tried to express that here.
Credit: Renate Simon
ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Reminder: 7/30 Rally about the High-Kill Hamilton Animal Control

"In the past little while, the number of animals being saved has increased." says Eva McDowell. "I really believe that this is in part due to more people now being aware of the dire situation at HAC - as we have kept it in the forefront for the past few months. Many have commented with surprise that kill days had been cancelled even in Kitten Season. Can you imagine what could happen if the public are allowed to adopt and the available animals are promoted in Hamilton?"
Yes we can, so please take action with us once more this Saturday and stand up for the animals still being killed week to week at the Hamilton Animal Control. Everyone is welcome to attend.
RALLY DATE: Saturday, July 30, 2011
LOCATION: Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main St W (off Bay St), Hamilton Ontario L8P 4Y5 Canada
TIME: 11:30 am - 3:30 pm
About the Hamilton Animal Control:
Hamilton Animal Control comes under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Economic Development Department of the City of Hamilton, and their division is "The Parking and By-Law Services Division.” One section of this group is the Animal Control Section which is responsible for the issuance of animal licences, lost and found animal reporting services, animal education, receipt and impounding of stray animals that have been confined, responding to service requests respecting injured or dead wildlife and when necessary, enforcement under the Dog Licensing and Control By-law and various Animal Control by-laws. Animal Control also has two private contractors that service the Flamborough and Glanbrook communities.
About the “Hamilton Animal Control - Stop the Killings” Group:
Founded in 2008 by Ken Wood and Terry Chapman Hutchison, the “Hamilton Animal Control - Stop the Killings” (HAC-STK) Group is an open public forum on Facebook dedicated to saving more animal lives and working towards positive, long-term changes at the Hamilton Animal Control/Hamilton Burlington SPCA. Concerned residents, rescuers and activists are invited to gather here to connect with like minds, post relevant news, initiate action, debate shelter reform, and share advocacy ideas.
About ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals:
Founded on October 2, 2002, by Claudia Vecchio and Corinne Thaw, ORA — Organization for the Rescue of Animals is a registered charitable organization promoting the humane treatment of animals and the preservation of Wildlife. ORA is operating in and around the Greater Toronto Area, working for the well-being and protection of all animals. ORA's animal rescues thrive within a network of foster homes until they are adopted out into forever loving homes. 100% volunteer run, with zero government funding and no shelter to speak of, ORA relies solely upon the supportive generosity of members and donors to fund its programs and rescue operations.
For More Information:
Contact ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals at 416-726-5762 and orarescue@gmail.com, OR “Hamilton Animal Control - Stop the Killings” at stopthekillings.hac@gmail.com.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Timid Bootsy
Friday, July 22, 2011
Sound On with Guest Advocate, Lillian Szilagy: "Saved from Euthanasia" Trilogy

Please, stop the madness going on at Hamilton Animal Control. Please ask them to open the shelter to public adoptions and stop killing wonderful, adoptable cats and kittens, and vet the ones they bring into the shelter so they do not suffer for days before being put to sleep. Please watch this video and open your hearts and voices and speak up against this abuse. This is happening in Ontario, Canada, and someone needs to stop this NOW before more kittens and cats are killed without being given a chance for adoptions.
Share my videos with everyone you know to get the word out there that this mass killing is happening every week in Canada.
("Saved from Euthanasia - Crystal's Story," a video trilogy by Lillian Szilagy, member of the HAC-STK group on Facebook)
Join the HAC-STK group on Facebook: http://www.doiop.com/hac-stk
Check out ORA's Volunteer Blog for the HAC-STK: http://hac-stk.blogspot.com
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Old Man Max
HOT & HUMID July is Claudia Vecchio's birthday month! Her post-birthday wish tonight is for Coccolino, whose seemingly incurable social phobia has prevented the poor boy from ever connecting (or even meeting) with potential adopters. Please consider helping ORA to continue to take the best care of him by sponsoring our extreme Cowardly Lion cat today. For more info, visit http://www.ora-animalsrescue.org/sponsorcat.php, or call 416-726-5762.
Sound Off with No Kill York Region's Leanne Tucker

Feral Cat TNR Program
High-Volume, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter
Rescue Groups
Foster Care
Comprehensive Adoption Programs
Pet Retention
Medical and Behavior Rehabilitation
Public Relations/Community Involvement
Proactive Redemptions
A Compassionate Director
For example, Washoe County Regional Animal Services and their partner Nevada Humane Society, save in excess of 90% of the 15,000 cats and dogs they take in each year. Calgary Animal Control is also doing an amazing job of educating their residents and returning lost pets. In recent years they returned 88% of the dogs they picked up and 44% of cats. Compare that to the rates in Ontario which are closer to 40% for dogs and 5% for cats.
Animal Ark in Minnesota has a full service TNR program that spays/neuters, vaccinates and treats each cat for fleas, etc... for $35/cat which is less then it would cost their local shelter to kill the cats. Trap-Neuter-Return is the ONLY program that has been successfully documented to save the lives of feral cats, gradually reduce the number of feral cats in colonies to extinction, and ensure the feral cats have the best quality of life. As for the argument that feral cats kill too many birds-humans and their ever encroaching development on bird habitat kill more birds then ferals ever will. Should we "humanely" kill humans? If we could ask feral cats whether they'd rather be killed at animal control or fending for themselves what do you honestly think their response would be? Ideally there would be no feral cat colonies but the reality right now is that there are thousands of ferals and we have been picking them up and killing them at shelters for years and it just isn't working for anyone.
According to Howard Elliott at TheSpec.com, in 2009 Hamilton Animal Control took in 1570 dogs and euthanized 167 (11%). During that period they took in 5,501 cats and "euthanized" 3,098 (56%). Obviously, Hamilton has proven year after year that killing these cats is not the solution and never will be. The definition of insanity is to continue doing the same thing you have always done and expect different results. Don't believe the nonsense that the OSPCA and other so called animal welfare groups keep spouting that there is an animal overpopulation problem and that it is the fault of the irresponsible public. The fault lies with those who refuse to change how our shelters and animal controls are operating. You can bet your bottom dollar that the public in Hamilton are no more irresponsible and no less caring then those in Washoe County.
I volunteer at an animal control and I volunteered at the OSPCA for 8+ years so don't get the impression that I am anti-staff. I just want to see reform for all types of sheltering in Ontario. Volunteers cost nothing, rescue groups cost nothing, and foster care costs nothing. Volunteers are essential to implementing all components of the No Kill Equation.
Not persuaded?
Here is a great article about feral cats that addresses the issues: http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/pdf/feralcatissue_000.pdf.
and enclosed below are several excellent resources about The No Kill Equation:
*The 11 Essential and Only Proven Steps to saving all healthy/treatable companion animals:
10 Steps To Adopting Your Way Out Of Killing:
Model companion animal legislation (urge your local municipality and the province to adopt) :
Nevada Humane Society partners with Washoe County Animal Services to save in excess of 90% of the companion animals they take in annually. Here is how they did it:
And much, much more re: feral cats and reforming animal control at:
Shelters and animal controls that adopt only parts of the No Kill Equation fail and never reach the goal. The only shelters that have reached the goal of saving all the healthy and/or treatable animals (>90%) embraced all 11 parts of the equation.
("Could Hamilton be the next Washoe County?," a compilation of comments by No Kill York Region's Leanne Tucker)
Last Sound Off Feature, by Jack Clark:
First Sound Off Feature, by Lillian Szilagy:
Next Peaceful Rally Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011
Time: 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Location: Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main St W, Hamilton, ON CANADA
Contact: stopthekillings@groups.facebook.com
Website: http://www.facebook.com/groups/stopthekillings
Saturday, July 16, 2011
ORA for the HAC-STK: A Second Call to Action - Rally in Two Weeks' Time!

To this end, ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals is working hard with the Hamilton Animal Control-Stop the Killings (HAC-STK) group and other concerned animal affiliates to support the following initiatives:
-Communicating with fellow residents, rescuers, animal advocates, activists, concerned individuals, City Council and the media to help elevate general awareness of the killings of thousands of animals that continue to take place every year at the notoriously high-kill Hamilton Animal Control. It doesn’t have to be this way!
-Educating the public about alternative solutions to killing such as low cost spaying and neutering, massive trap neuter and return systems, feral cat programs, community based network support programs, and more. Homeless pets are the victims of a problem. We want to solve the problem, not punish the victims.
-Initiating community action campaigns, petitions and peaceful rallies to generate public pressure for the life-saving changes mentioned above. If we make our voices heard, we can make a difference.
Our mission is to advocate together for improved policies and practices now to end the killings at the HAC sooner, rather than later. We collectively seek to make high volume, low cost pet sterilizations available not just to qualifying low income residents at the Hamilton Burlington SPCA, but to the general public as well. We remind the City of Hamilton to enact overdue changes in public policy so that successfully proven trap neuter and return (TNR) programs can become one of the officially sanctioned approaches to homeless pet management. We continually support and promote humane initiatives such as extending the shelter facility’s opening hours to encourage a higher percentage of owner retrievals, opening up the pound to the public and to all rescue groups for adoptions, increasing the pet limit by-law of only two animals per household, and more.
Without action from the people we know who care about animals out there, a blameless and homeless animal population will only continue to breed unchecked, growing exponentially and continually suffering. If nothing is done, more cats will be found living in unmanaged colonies and public tolerance of homeless cats will decrease still further, and pressure on the Hamilton Animal Control and the Hamilton area community will only increase.
Thousands of cats and hundreds of dogs will continue to be picked up and exterminated every year, sentenced to death and killed week to week as long as the problem persists.
Are you really okay with the way things are at the Hamilton Animal Control?
If you are not, then join us in taking action! We can reduce this population of unwanted animals over the long term, and we can do it humanely. Spread the word to the people you know who love animals, and prepare to rally with us on July 30th. Together, we can help shape a living future for the thousands of animal lives still hanging in the balance at the Hamilton Animal Control.
Next Peaceful Rally Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011
Time: 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main St W, Hamilton, ON CANADA
Contact: stopthekillings@groups.facebook.com
Website: http://www.doiop.com/hac-stk
ORA Volunteer Blog for the HAC-STK: http://hac-stk.blogspot.com
Credit: CHS
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A birthday is just another 365 days around the sun. Enjoy your next trip, Claudia!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Nacho, Nacho Man
Monday, July 11, 2011
Consider ORA during Petfinder's Birthday Adoption Weekend: July 15-17, 2011

Help ORA's rescued companion animals in need!
For more information, please visit http://ora-animalsrescue.org,
Call 416-726-5762 / 416-726-8895
OR email VecchioCT@aol.com
to find out how you can help foster, sponsor, adopt and donate to ORA during Petfinder's Birthday Adoption Weekend.
And happy, happy birthday, Petfinder, from Claudia, Corinne and everyone here at ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals!
It is now July 11, 2011 at 11:11 PM - make a wish and let it come true!

Sunday, July 10, 2011
Party Cat
July is ORA Founder Claudia Vecchio's birthday month. Her birthday wish tonight is for a little boy cat with amber green eyes named Smudge. Smudge recently scored 95% on the "How Social Are You?" Quiz, and is looking for a really fun family of humans and cats to hang out with every day for a lifetime. Call 416-726-5762 if you can give Smudge plenty of love!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Sound Off with Guest Advocate, Jack Clark

that it is rescues and individuals who SAVE these doomed animals, spend thousands of their own money and NEVER kill any animals? The ONLY ones that KILL animals are the very same organizations that get PAID to do so. What's wrong with this picture!
what all those feline-hating respondents to our first Rally report fail to realize is that it's not just so-called stray or nuisance wild cats getting cruelly killed, it’s lost loved cats and loved dogs, too! Along with newborns, too! Wonder how they feel about canines in Hamilton? Can you imagine how much suffering is inflicted on those being swiftly heartstuck and also those poor animals witnessing and hearing it! Imagine the horrors inside there on the mornings when the vet sticks 83 cats and 7 dogs (Friday, June 24, 2011) before they even open!!!! Must be a mere 1 or 2 minutes for each animal, who is then left in the cage bleeding in agony ‘til death!!!
According to past info,
@6000 cats were killed by HAC in 2007. Now that figure is down to less than 3000 just by implementing ONE (allowing some rescues) of the many, many programs now being proposed for change! Imagine how many more can be saved by implementing more of these life saving programs! Please share your voices and help make this happen!
The Hamilton Burlington SPCA
apparently only has 'space' for 22 cats or kittens out front just happily waiting 'forever' til adoption. While the Animal Control out back may be routinely stacked up with well over 100 just waiting for either a miracle rescue or Cruel Death in only '72 hrs'! OSPCA has 'branches' that share (a bit) in their winfalls of cash. The 'affilliates' are on their own to garner their own cash. HBSPCA is an 'affilliate' getting no share of the big pie :) and actually PAY the OSPCA a yearly fee for the *privilege* of affilliation (and learn all the tricks of the trade of course). As for the Ospca, I personally wouldn't use the term 'wonderful' to describe this organization. For an educational look into their history visit http://www.ospcatruth.com...

changes are made it won't be long before the killings are done 4 times a week, and then 5, and then? This continual and ever increasing needless and CRUELLY performed killing of animals also speaks volumes to me of the Ethics and Priorities of vets who perform these cruel deeds without hesitation or intervention for changes. What ever happened to the Code of Ethics? If not Professional, then perhaps Moral? This is just so sad.
has it the City of Hamilton pays a vet @$70 for each animal that it chooses to kill every 2 or 3 days per week in a cruel manner, almost 3000 last year, inside their Animal Control facility, which is located in the back of the same building as the SPCA, and this vet is also on the Board of Directors for Hamilton/Burlington SPCA.
the Veterinary profession and the Ospca are both self-governed, self-regulated organizations free to set their own mandates and protocols, so it's up to us, the animal loving public, to educate ourselves on the many solutions to all these problems and demand changes at all levels of animal welfare. We're starting with changing Animal Control Shelter policies of needlessly killing healthy adoptable animals, by recommending the PROVEN solutions outlined in Nathan Winograd (http://bit.ly/48oU5)’s book Redemption (http://bit.ly/rq4DhG) which details all these problems and how to fix them. Join us at the HAC-STK group page, http://www.doiop.com/hac-stk, and at the next Rally on Saturday, July 30th, for much needed change to reduce the needless killings and SAVE animals, not KILL.
Every person
I spoke to in their cars (and I spoke to LOTS!) at the Rally on Saturday, June 25th, were truly shocked to learn about their Animal Control policies and most used the terms 'cruel' and 'inhumane' after learning. Hope the discussions continue and word spreads to many others in Hamilton! It was a good day! Thanks to all who came and joined this first Rally!
Exposure Exposure by everyone WILL bring about change!
Join us and speak up for changes! More Exposure! Since our first rally, a rescuer has stated that the shelter has at least added an air conditioner and some huge fans for those poor animals, and the usual KILLING was cancelled last Friday (July 1, 2011)! Yaaayyy! Let's get the City to make some positive changes now to also help the animals! It has been far too many years. The animals have been dying waiting for this chance at life... they ALL deserve our help!
("Why I don't sleep well at nights," a compilation of comments by the HAC-STK's Jack Clark)
Last Sound Off Feature, by Lillian Szilagy:
Next Peaceful Rally Date: Saturday, July 30, 2011
Time: 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Location: Hamilton City Hall, 71 Main St W, Hamilton, ON CANADA
Contact: stopthekillings@groups.facebook.com
Website: http://www.doiop.com/hac-stk
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Prince Charming
July is ORA Founder Claudia Vecchio's birthday month! Her wistful birthday wish today is for gorgeous Cesar, a young miniature poodle, to find a forever home with his best girl, Gigi, a little pug / poodle cross. For more info about this winsome pair, click on the Petfinder link below and complete the application form online for them at http://www.ora-animalsrescue.o
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Letters to Cleo
July is ORA Founder Claudia Vecchio's birthday month! Her first special birthday wish is to see Cleo adopted to a loving home. Cleo was saved from a hostile environment in T.O.'s West end along with her kittens, Melanie, Cheeky and Foxy. Although moms technically shouldn't have favorites, we're fully aware that Cleo is particularly attached to Cheeky. And that's ok. Call 416-726-5762 if you can adopt them both!
Monday, July 4, 2011
ORA in the Cat Den on the 4th of July!
Thank you, Charles and Cai, our invaluable volunteer professional builders, for helping us to rebuild the den for the cats at ORA - and for keeping our costs in line! And thank you to the Swinson's, the Macdonald's, the Lang's, the Huang's and all of the individuals donors and wonderful volunteers who contributed towards the restoration of ORA's beloved cat den.
ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals
Friday, July 1, 2011
"Talk to a Friend About Spay and Neuter!" on Canada Day
ORA and Bob Barker fully support "Talk to a Friend About Spay and Neuter!" Day on Facebook. In fact, ORA regularly promotes the spaying and neutering of all pets before they become able to procreate. The spaying and neutering should be done at the age of six months. The same rule applies if you keep your pet(s) indoors. An unspayed or unneutered pet will eventually be successful in running away to mate.
Some people even allow their unneutered or unspayed cats to go outdoors without realizing that this can eventually be the cause of enormous miseries and suffering, especially for cats. The cats mate, reproduce and the offspring have to fend for themselves — often dying of starvation, cold, or becoming victims of predators, cars or deranged humans. The kittens who are able to survive will reproduce and in turn continue the horrific story of suffering and death. Since female cats can give birth up to 3 times a year, up to 6 kittens per litter, you can imagine the impact that this creates on the feline population. In fact an unneutered male cat and an unspayed female and their offspring can produce 270,000 in seven years! Is there still a doubt left about the importance of spaying or neutering your cat?
Out of love for our companion animals, we think all cats and dogs should be neutered and spayed to avoid new births, prevent unnecessary shelter killings and help to keep our pet populations under control. We are also committed to procuring the best life possible for all existing cats and dogs, domestic, stray or feral. One of our main activities is to rescue strays and ferals and to take in cats surrendered by their owners and find good adoptive homes for them. Any cat or dog that is rescued or taken in by ORA is vaccinated, spayed/neutered and de-wormed as needed. The cat or dog receives any other necessary veterinary care and then is placed in a foster home if a suitable adoptive home is not readily available.
Rescuing several new cats and dogs each month is costly to say the least! Adoption fees rarely cover even basic medical and spay and neuter costs. Typical spay and neuter prices are usually higher, but here are some of the best rates we’ve ever been given by our usual vets in the Greater Toronto Area:
1 female cat spay = $120
1 female dog spay = $270
1 male cat neuter = $80
1 male dog neuter = $180
With these special rates in mind, please consider making a “Talk to a friend about Spay and Neuter!” Day Donation to ORA-Organization for the Rescue of Animals at any of the aforementioned amounts to help us to spay and neuter our new rescue animals this summer, either via
PayPal -- http://www.ora-animalsrescue.org/donations.html#paypal
By Mail -- http://www.ora-animalsrescue.org/donation%20form.html
OR Drop off a Donation in person at Pride in downtown Toronto this weekend at
Pride Beer Garden Fundraiser for ORA - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=238386806191074, OR
ORA’s Pride Booth -- http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=174839379244039.
(All donations are eligible for a charitable tax receipt by mail upon request.)
So remember that July 1st is “Talk to a friend about Spay and Neuter!” Day. We hope that our message here will help you to get your conversation about the importance of spaying and neutering pets started with your friends today.
We look forward to seeing those of you who come out to Toronto Pride this Canada Day long weekend,
Claudia Vecchio, Corinne Thaw, and the Volunteers of
Organization for the Rescue of Animals